This is a couples’ exercise. Students are divided to the
performer (A) and observer (B).
* With slow non-intrusive music, the performer starts
dancing. The dance should express his/her life in the current moment, with all
the aspects, goods and bads. Nothing should be invented, students just should
try to relax and imaging who they can express their lives in a way of dance.
Eyes are closed.
* At the same time, observer is serving the performer as
guard (preventing from falling and bumping with other students) in gentle way.
* Switch roles and perform the same dance.
*Continuing with the same partner, switching back to the
original performer. Now, the performer has to dance his/her life 1 year from
now. How would you like to change your life? How would you like to change
yourself? Imagine yourself in the new state, not the process of transition.
Eyes are closed.
* The observer role is more complicated in this exercise.
You need to serve not just a safety guard for the performer, but also as energy
supporter. Dance as well to reflect your partner moves, do not mimic, but
support. Send your energy and love boost as strong as you can, but still guard
the performer from unsafe moves. Be gentle and caring.
* Switch roles and perform the same dance.
* (Optional) Take a minute for discussion, what have you
observed in a partner, or in your self during this exercise.