Sunday, June 4, 2023

What is ChakraDance?


ChakraDance is a holistic movement practice that combines elements of dance, music, meditation, and energy work. It is a form of expressive dance and active meditation that aims to harmonize and balance the body's energy centers, known as chakras.

The practice of ChakraDance is rooted in the concept of chakras, which are believed to be spinning wheels or centers of energy located along the body's midline. According to traditional Indian and yogic philosophy, there are seven main chakras, each associated with specific physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our being.

During a ChakraDance session, participants are guided through a structured and intentional dance journey that focuses on activating and aligning each of the chakras. The music used in ChakraDance is carefully selected to correspond to the energy of each chakra, creating a supportive and immersive environment for the dance experience.

The movements in ChakraDance are free-flowing and improvisational, allowing participants to express themselves authentically and release any stagnant energy or emotional blockages. The practice often incorporates various dance styles, such as contemporary, tribal, and ecstatic dance, providing a diverse and dynamic movement vocabulary.

ChakraDance sessions typically follow a specific format, starting with warm-up exercises, followed by a guided meditation to connect with the body and breath. The dance journey then progresses through the seven chakras, with specific movements and music associated with each chakra. The session concludes with a period of integration and relaxation.

Benefits of ChakraDance can include increased self-awareness, emotional release, stress reduction, enhanced vitality, and a sense of balance and harmony. It can be practiced by individuals of all ages and dance backgrounds, as the focus is on personal expression and connection to the body's energy rather than technical dance skills.

ChakraDance is often facilitated in group settings, led by certified ChakraDance facilitators who provide guidance, support, and a safe space for participants to explore and express themselves. However, it can also be practiced individually as a personal movement and meditation practice.


Chakradance offers several potential benefits for individuals who engage in the practice. Here are some commonly reported benefits of Chakradance:

1.       Enhanced Self-Awareness: Chakradance encourages participants to connect with their physical, emotional, and spiritual selves. Through the free-flowing movements and focused attention on the chakras, individuals can develop a deeper understanding of their energy centers and how they impact their overall well-being.

2.       Emotional Release and Healing: Chakradance provides a safe and supportive space for emotional expression and release. The combination of music, movement, and intention can help individuals tap into and release stuck or suppressed emotions, allowing for emotional healing and a greater sense of emotional well-being.

3.       Stress Reduction and Relaxation: Engaging in the rhythmic and expressive movements of Chakradance can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. The meditative aspects of the practice, such as deep breathing and focused awareness, can help calm the mind and promote a sense of inner peace and tranquility.

4.       Energy Balancing and Alignment: Chakradance focuses on activating and aligning the body's energy centers, the chakras. By consciously working with each chakra, participants can restore balance and harmony to their energy system. This can help improve overall energy flow, vitality, and a sense of well-being.

5.       Increased Creativity and Self-Expression: Chakradance encourages participants to move and express themselves freely, allowing for increased creativity and self-expression. Through the dance movements, individuals can tap into their innate creativity and explore new ways of expressing themselves physically and emotionally.

6.       Body-Mind Connection: Chakradance promotes a deeper connection between the body and mind. By engaging in the dance movements and bringing conscious awareness to the body, individuals can cultivate a greater sense of embodiment and develop a more profound understanding of the mind-body connection.

7.       Spiritual Exploration: Chakradance offers an opportunity for spiritual exploration and personal growth. By delving into the symbolism and qualities associated with each chakra, participants can gain insights into their spiritual journey and connect with their higher selves or spiritual aspects.

Facilitation and structure

Chakradance facilitation follows a specific structure designed to guide participants through the dance journey and facilitate a transformative experience. While the exact format and practices may vary among facilitators, here is an overview of the typical facilitation and structure of a Chakradance session:

1.       Introduction and Setting the Space: The facilitator begins by creating a safe and sacred space for the participants. This may involve setting intentions, explaining the principles of Chakradance, and establishing guidelines for the session.

2.       Warm-Up: The session starts with a warm-up phase to prepare the body and mind for the dance journey. This may include gentle stretching, breathwork, and movement exercises to bring participants into their bodies and create a sense of presence.

3.       Guided Meditation: Participants are guided through a meditation that focuses on connecting with the body, breath, and the energy centers (chakras). The facilitator may use visualizations, affirmations, or guided imagery to help participants activate and engage with each chakra.

4.       Chakra-Specific Dance: The dance journey progresses through the seven chakras, starting from the base/root chakra and moving upwards to the crown chakra. For each chakra, specific music, movements, and imagery are used to stimulate and balance the energy of that particular chakra. Participants are encouraged to move freely and express themselves in response to the music and the energetic qualities associated with each chakra.

5.       Integration and Reflection: After completing the dance for each chakra, there is typically a period of integration and reflection. This may involve seated or lying down exercises, where participants have an opportunity to rest, journal, draw, or simply reflect on their experiences during the dance.

6.       Closing Circle: The facilitator guides the group in a closing circle, where participants have the opportunity to share their experiences, insights, or any intentions they may have for integrating the session into their daily lives. This is also a time for gratitude and acknowledging the collective energy of the group.

The duration of a Chakradance session can vary, but it typically lasts around 90 minutes to two hours. Some facilitators offer shorter introductory sessions, while others may lead longer workshops or multi-session programs.

It's important to note that Chakradance facilitators receive specific training and certification to guide participants through the practice effectively. They are trained to hold space, provide support, and create a safe and non-judgmental environment for participants to explore and express themselves through movement and meditation.


Chakradance was developed in the late 1990s by Natalie Southgate, an Australian dancer, choreographer, and therapist. Southgate drew inspiration from various sources, including her background in dance, her studies of Jungian psychology and energy healing, and her experiences with indigenous cultures and their spiritual practices.

The development of Chakradance was a personal journey for Southgate, driven by her own desire to integrate dance, music, and spirituality into a transformative and healing practice. She combined her knowledge and experiences to create a unique approach that focused on the chakra system, which she believed held the key to unlocking inner wisdom, healing, and self-realization.

Southgate began teaching Chakradance in Australia, offering workshops and training programs to share her approach with others. As the practice gained popularity, it started to attract a wider audience and spread internationally. Today, Chakradance is practiced and facilitated in various countries around the world.

The practice of Chakradance has continued to evolve and adapt over time. Different facilitators have contributed their own insights, variations, and interpretations to the practice, resulting in a diverse range of approaches and styles within the broader Chakradance community.

Natalie Southgate has written books and produced audio CDs to support the practice of Chakradance, providing guidance and resources for individuals interested in exploring the dance journey on their own. She has also trained and certified Chakradance facilitators, who carry on the tradition and share the practice in their respective communities.

It's important to note that Chakradance is a relatively recent development and is not rooted in any ancient or traditional spiritual practice. While it draws inspiration from various spiritual and healing traditions, it is a unique synthesis created by Natalie Southgate and influenced by her own experiences and studies.



