Wednesday, May 17, 2023

What is Ecstatic Dance?


Ecstatic Dance is a form of free-form movement and expressive dance that encourages individuals to explore their bodies, emotions, and creativity through spontaneous and uninhibited movement. It is a practice that focuses on self-expression, personal growth, and connecting with oneself and others through dance.

In Ecstatic Dance sessions or events, participants gather in a safe and judgment-free space, usually accompanied by uplifting music played by a live DJ or recorded tracks. The dance floor is seen as a sacred space where individuals are free to move and express themselves authentically, without specific choreography or prescribed steps.

Some key characteristics of Ecstatic Dance include:

1.       Nonverbal Expression: Ecstatic Dance encourages communication through movement rather than words. Participants are encouraged to express their emotions, thoughts, and energy solely through their bodies.

2.       Free Movement: There are no set or structured dance routines in Ecstatic Dance. Participants are invited to follow their instincts and move in a way that feels natural to them, allowing the body to guide the dance.

3.       Self-Exploration: It provides an opportunity for self-exploration and self-discovery. Through dance, individuals can tap into their inner selves, release emotions, and access a state of flow and presence.

4.       Connection and Community: While Ecstatic Dance is a personal experience, it also fosters a sense of connection with others. It creates a communal atmosphere where participants can engage with fellow dancers, share energies, and create a collective experience.

5.       Mind-Body Connection: Ecstatic Dance promotes the integration of mind, body, and spirit. It encourages individuals to listen to their bodies, be present in the moment, and cultivate a deeper connection with themselves.

But What is Exactly Ecstatic Dance?

Ecstatic dance is an inner/outer journey, an authentic moving meditation where presence and ecstasy can be experienced. It creates a direct body-mind-spirit connection, allowing our body and inner guide to be our own teachers. It’s about being fully present, transparent and real with oneself and others, discovering our own true dance, using this movement and energetic experience to release stuck patterns in our bodies, emotions and mind and being able to move beyond separation and experience true union.

Ecstatic dance is a spiritual practice. A safe space to explore healing through divine communion, individually and within community, without the iterations of the mind while talking and drinking, common in the nightclub scene. At ecstatic dance you have no one to impress, our attention is focused in ourselves not in others so you can be utterly yourself, getting down, letting loose, allowing your emotions, dreams and prayers to dance themselves, freeing your mind and body while connecting with yourself, others and spirit in a safe and healthy way.

Ecstatic dance empowers people of all shapes, ages, sizes and backgrounds to freely express themselves; the liberating atmosphere creates a melting pot of acceptance and the fearlessness with which others move gives permission and courage to dance without inhibition. Everyone is welcomed.

What is NOT Ecstatic Dance?

Ecstatic dance is many things, however there are some important distinctions to make in what it is not. Ecstatic dance is not a party; however, it certainly can be fun and celebratory. It is not traditional therapy, but it can be therapeutic and participants can experience release from trauma through it. It is not “cool”, it is a committed practice for movement and embodiment. It is not a performance, though we may feel expressive or inspired by the expression of others. It is not a dance class, still we can learn new ways to dance simply by free form exploration. These things aside, ecstatic dance is ultimately what you make of it!

Ecstatic Dance Guidelines:

1.       No talking during the dance (if you wish to talk to, you are welcome to chat before/after dance outside the building). When we dance without the chitchat, something alchemical can happen on the dancefloor. A unified field of Being emerges and we feel both wild and free, contained within ourselves and connected to something much, much greater than our individual selves.

2.       Drug-Free, Smoke-Free, Alcohol-Free environment

3.       No photos or videos, Mobile phones muted and out of sight

4.       Care/Awareness for the co-created space and each other

5.       Move your body however you wish

6.       No spectating. Stay connected to your own body, sensations, emotions, and feelings. Ecstatic Dance is about you and your relationship to the Dance. Dancers feel uncomfortable when being spectated at. Come prepared to Dance yourself free from inhibitions!

7.       You can dance alone, or with as many partners as (you) like to join. (If you’d rather not dance with someone, thank them for the offer by placing your hands in prayer position at your heart – Namaste.

8.       This is not a pick-up place. Please respect all dancers (especially women) and do not ask for anyone’s contact details. If you wish to stay in touch with someone, give them your email instead of asking for their contact details. No means no.

Sources and Additional Information:
