We are moving forward, we are looking forward, we are
planning our activities with emotional forward intention. And sometimes, we
forget about our back. People who were living in the cave, were more aware of
the space and environment around them, waiting for the unexpected and foreseeing
danger appearance from all sides. They felt a threats with all their senses, and
scanned equally all directions for a life-threatening danger.
The exercise is intended to enhance our senses and space
feeling at our back.
* All students are divided in pairs. Person A is staying
at place with closed eyes.
* Person B “recharges” the palms for more efficient
energy transfer.
* Person B is slowly approaching the person A from the
back, getting closer and further gently and accurately, playing with the
feeling of closeness and emotional acceptability of the personal space
* Person A directs all attention on the area behind the
back, trying to feel the partner by noise, temperature, air movements,
breathing, or energy streaming from the palms.
* Little by little, the person B comes at the bent arm
length to the partner and starts moving the hands around the back of the
partner, with no touch or barely touching with fingers/palms. Limit your
exploration by the person’s back only (do not move lower than waistline),
listen the body signals - both yours and the partner’s - and act accordingly.
* Length of exercise – about 2.5 minutes. Then, exchange
your roles.