Tuesday, June 13, 2023

What is Dance of Universal Peace?


The Dance of Universal Peace is a spiritual practice that combines sacred music and simple, meditative movements in a group setting. It was created by Samuel L. Lewis, also known as Murshid Samuel Lewis or Sufi Sam, in the late 1960s. The practice draws inspiration from various spiritual traditions, including Sufism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, and Native American traditions.

The Dance of Universal Peace aims to promote peace, harmony, and unity among participants by using music, singing, and dancing as a means of connecting with the divine and fostering a sense of oneness. The dances typically involve participants forming a circle and moving together in rhythmic patterns, often accompanied by live musicians playing traditional instruments.

The dance movements are simple and repetitive, making it accessible to people of all ages and physical abilities. The songs and chants used in the Dance of Universal Peace often incorporate sacred phrases or mantras from different religious traditions, emphasizing the universal nature of spiritual teachings and the interconnectedness of all beings.

The practice of the Dance of Universal Peace is intended to be a joyful and transformative experience that can deepen spiritual connection, cultivate mindfulness, and foster a sense of community and inclusivity. It is often practiced in retreats, workshops, and community gatherings around the world, facilitated by trained leaders who guide participants through the movements and music.

It's important to note that the Dance of Universal Peace is a spiritual practice and not a traditional dance form. It is more about the inward experience and the shared spiritual journey than the technical aspects of dancing. Participation is open to people of all faiths or no particular faith, as the practice embraces the universal aspects of spirituality and seeks to transcend religious boundaries.


The Dance of Universal Peace is an inclusive and participatory practice that can be experienced in a variety of settings, from informal gatherings to organized events and workshops. While there is no strict protocol or set of rules, the following guidelines can help create a harmonious and meaningful experience:

  1. Circle Formation: Participants typically form a circle, symbolizing unity and equality. Everyone is encouraged to join the circle and hold hands with the people on either side, creating a sense of connection and community.
  2. Intention and Invocation: The session may begin with an opening invocation or prayer, setting the intention for peace, love, and spiritual connection. This can be done by a facilitator or shared by the entire group.
  3. Simple Movements: The dance movements are usually simple and repetitive, accessible to participants of all ages and physical abilities. The facilitator will lead and guide the movements, and participants follow along, synchronizing their steps and gestures with the rhythm of the music.
  4. Live Music: The dances are accompanied by live musicians playing traditional instruments such as drums, guitars, flutes, or other instruments. The music is often uplifting and rhythmical, providing a backdrop for the movements and chants.
  5. Chants and Sacred Phrases: The dances incorporate sacred phrases, mantras, or chants from various spiritual traditions. These phrases are repeated by the participants as they dance, creating a meditative and devotional atmosphere.
  6. Mindfulness and Presence: The focus of the Dance of Universal Peace is on being fully present in the moment and cultivating a sense of mindfulness. Participants are encouraged to let go of thoughts and distractions, and immerse themselves in the music, movements, and the collective energy of the circle.
  7. Silence and Stillness: In between dances, there may be periods of silence and stillness, allowing participants to integrate the experience and connect with their inner selves. This can be a time for reflection, meditation, or simply being present in the moment.
  8. Closing Circle and Sharing: The session typically concludes with a closing circle, where participants come together to express gratitude, share their experiences, or offer blessings or prayers. This is an opportunity to deepen the sense of connection and closure.

It's important to remember that the Dance of Universal Peace is a flexible and adaptable practice. The specific movements, chants, and rituals may vary depending on the facilitator, the group, and the cultural context. The key is to approach the practice with an open heart, a spirit of inclusivity, and a willingness to embrace the joy of movement and spiritual connection.


The Dance of Universal Peace offers a range of potential benefits for participants, both on an individual and collective level. While the experiences and benefits may vary for each person, here are some commonly reported benefits of engaging in the Dance of Universal Peace:

  1. Spiritual Connection: The practice can deepen one's spiritual connection by using music, movement, and sacred phrases from various traditions. Participants often report feeling a sense of unity, transcendence, and oneness with the divine.
  2. Emotional Well-being: Engaging in the Dance of Universal Peace can have positive effects on emotional well-being. The rhythmic movements, uplifting music, and shared energy of the group can promote feelings of joy, happiness, and inner peace.
  3. Stress Reduction: The practice provides an opportunity to disconnect from daily stressors and enter a state of mindfulness and presence. The combination of music, movement, and meditative focus can help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance overall well-being.
  4. Physical Health: The gentle movements involved in the dances can have physical benefits. They promote flexibility, balance, and coordination, contributing to improved physical fitness and overall body awareness.
  5. Community and Connection: The Dance of Universal Peace often takes place in a group setting, fostering a sense of community and connection. Participants come together in a spirit of inclusivity and shared purpose, creating a supportive and harmonious environment.
  6. Cultural Appreciation: The practice incorporates elements from various spiritual traditions, promoting cultural appreciation and understanding. Participants have the opportunity to learn about different belief systems and experience the beauty and wisdom of diverse cultures.
  7. Creative Expression: The Dance of Universal Peace encourages creative expression through movement and voice. Participants can explore their own unique ways of embodying the dances and contribute to the collective energy of the group.
  8. Self-Discovery and Growth: Engaging in the practice can be a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It offers opportunities for self-reflection, inner exploration, and a deeper understanding of oneself and others.


The Dance of Universal Peace was created by Samuel L. Lewis, also known as Murshid Samuel Lewis or Sufi Sam, in the late 1960s. Samuel Lewis was a spiritual teacher and practitioner who drew inspiration from various religious and mystical traditions, including Sufism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, and Native American spirituality.

Samuel Lewis was deeply committed to promoting peace, harmony, and unity among people from different backgrounds and spiritual paths. He believed that music, movement, and sacred phrases had the power to transcend cultural and religious boundaries, fostering a sense of connection and shared spirituality.

The Dance of Universal Peace emerged as a way to bring people together in a meditative and joyful practice that combined simple movements, live music, and sacred chants. Samuel Lewis integrated elements from different traditions, including Sufi zikr (chanting), circle dances from the Balkans, and Native American dances, among others, to create a unique and inclusive practice.

Initially, the Dance of Universal Peace gained popularity within the counterculture and spiritual communities in California, particularly in the San Francisco Bay Area. It gradually spread to other parts of the United States and internationally as people recognized its transformative potential and embraced its message of peace and unity.

Over the years, the Dance of Universal Peace has evolved and expanded. Samuel Lewis passed away in 1971, but his teachings and practices have been carried forward by his students and other dedicated individuals. Today, there are numerous trained facilitators and dance circles around the world, offering regular gatherings, workshops, and retreats where people can participate in this practice.

The Dance of Universal Peace continues to be a living and evolving tradition, with each facilitator bringing their own unique style and repertoire of dances. The focus remains on creating a space for spiritual connection, community building, and the celebration of shared humanity.

It's important to note that while Samuel Lewis is credited with the creation of the Dance of Universal Peace, he acknowledged that he was merely a channel for these teachings and that the practice itself is a reflection of the universal wisdom found in diverse spiritual traditions.

Website: https://www.dancesofuniversalpeace.org/
