Monday, May 29, 2023

What is Open Floor Dance?


Open Floor Dance is a conscious movement practice that combines elements of dance, mindfulness, and self-expression. It provides a space for individuals to explore their bodies, emotions, and creativity through movement. Open Floor Dance sessions are typically facilitated by trained teachers who guide participants through a variety of music and movement exercises.

In Open Floor Dance, there are no specific choreographed steps or routines to follow. Instead, participants are encouraged to move in ways that feel authentic and natural to them, allowing their bodies to express themselves freely. The focus is on the individual's personal experience and self-discovery, rather than on external performance or judgment.

Open Floor Dance draws inspiration from various movement modalities, including contemporary dance, somatic practices, and mindfulness. It promotes body awareness, emotional intelligence, and connection with oneself and others. Through movement, participants can release tension, express emotions, increase vitality, and cultivate a greater sense of well-being.

Open floor dance is not limited to any particular genre or music. The dancers can choose to dance to any kind of music they like, be it pop, jazz, rock, electronic, or traditional. The dancers are free to express their emotions through movement and music, creating a unique and personal dance experience.

One of the core principles of open floor dance is inclusivity. Open Floor Dance sessions are open to people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities. The practice emphasizes inclusivity, respect, and non-judgment, creating a welcoming and safe environment for participants to explore and express themselves through movement.


Open Floor Dance offers a range of benefits for participants. Here are some of the main advantages associated with this practice:

1.       Self-expression: Open Floor Dance provides a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to express themselves authentically through movement. It allows for the exploration of emotions, creativity, and personal expression.

2.       Mind-body connection: Engaging in conscious movement through Open Floor Dance promotes a deep connection between the mind and body. It helps individuals become more aware of their bodily sensations, emotions, and thoughts, fostering a greater sense of self-awareness and embodiment.

3.       Stress reduction: Moving the body in a free and expressive way can help release physical and emotional tension, promoting relaxation and stress reduction. Open Floor Dance offers an opportunity to let go of stress and connect with a sense of inner peace and well-being.

4.       Physical exercise: It is an excellent form of exercise that improves flexibility, coordination, balance, and overall physical health.

5.       Emotional release: Dance has the power to facilitate the release of pent-up emotions and provide a healthy outlet for emotional expression. Open Floor Dance allows participants to move through and process their feelings, promoting emotional release and catharsis.

6.       Increased vitality and energy: Engaging in movement and dance can invigorate the body and increase overall vitality. Open Floor Dance sessions often involve a variety of music and rhythms, which can help boost energy levels and uplift mood.

7.       Connection and community: Open Floor Dance sessions provide a communal experience where individuals come together to move and connect. It offers opportunities for social interaction, shared experiences, and a sense of belonging within a supportive and inclusive community.

8.       Body awareness and self-care: Through Open Floor Dance, participants develop a deeper awareness of their bodies, movement patterns, and physical capabilities. This heightened body awareness can lead to improved self-care practices and a greater understanding of one's physical needs and boundaries.

What sets open floor dance apart from other dance forms is its focus on the present moment. In open floor dance, the dancer is encouraged to be fully present in their body and the experience of the dance. This fosters a deep sense of mindfulness, helping dancers to be more aware of their thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations.

Facilitation and structure

The practice of open floor dance is often facilitated by trained instructors who guide the dancers through the experience. The facilitator's role is to create a safe and supportive environment that encourages self-expression and creativity while providing guidance and structure when needed.

Open floor dance is often practiced in groups, creating a sense of community and connection amongst participants. The dance floor becomes a sacred space where dancers can connect and communicate through movement, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

Participants of open floor dance often report experiencing a profound sense of liberation and catharsis. The practice encourages dancers to take risks and explore their creative potential, leading to a sense of empowerment and liberation. It can be a transformative experience that helps individuals to break free from limiting beliefs and patterns and connect with their true selves.

Open floor dance is often practiced at events and festivals, adding to the celebratory and festive atmosphere. It is a great way to connect with like-minded individuals and celebrate the diversity of human expression.

The structure of Open Floor Dance sessions can vary depending on the facilitator, the duration of the session, and the specific intention or theme of the class. However, there are some common elements that are often included in Open Floor Dance practices. Here is a general overview of the structure:

1.       Arrival and Warm-Up: The session typically begins with a period of arrival where participants gather and settle into the space. The facilitator may lead a gentle warm-up to prepare the body for movement, which can include stretching, breath awareness, and simple movement exercises.

2.       Guided Movement Exploration: The facilitator guides participants through various movement explorations, inviting them to connect with their bodies, sensations, and emotions. This can involve a range of movement exercises, improvisation prompts, and invitations to explore different qualities of movement, such as rhythm, speed, or dynamics.

3.       Free Dance: A significant portion of the session is dedicated to free dance, where participants have the opportunity to move in their own unique way without specific instructions or choreography. This time is often accompanied by a diverse selection of music that supports different moods and rhythms.

4.       Integration and Closing: Towards the end of the session, there is typically a period of integration and reflection. Participants may be invited to come back to stillness, engage in gentle grounding exercises, or share reflections in a closing circle. This time allows for integration of the experiences and a gradual transition back to everyday awareness.

It's important to note that Open Floor Dance emphasizes a non-judgmental and inclusive atmosphere, where participants are encouraged to listen to their bodies, honor their boundaries, and move in ways that feel authentic to them. The facilitator's role is to hold the space, offer guidance, and create a supportive environment for individual and collective exploration.

History of Open Floor Dance

Open Floor Dance is a relatively new movement practice that emerged in the late 20th century. It was developed by a group of movement teachers, including Andrea Juhan, Lori Saltzman, and Kathy Altman, who drew inspiration from various somatic disciplines, therapeutic modalities, and expressive arts.

The roots of Open Floor Dance can be traced back to the 1970s and 1980s when the founders were involved in different movement practices and explored the intersection of body awareness, dance, and personal growth. They integrated elements from disciplines such as Gabrielle Roth's 5Rhythms, Gestalt therapy, Body-Mind Centering, Authentic Movement, and mindfulness practices to develop a unique approach to movement and dance.

In 2005, the Open Floor International organization was formed to promote and support the growth of Open Floor Dance worldwide. Since then, Open Floor Dance has gained recognition as a distinct movement practice and has attracted a growing community of practitioners and facilitators around the globe.


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